Healing Harbors believes in the power the hemp plant has to support a better quality of life for you and your loved ones. The balance and wellness it can bring to your life may support your goals and help you find more success this year, all year long. Your 2020 goals are most definitely unique to you, but at this time of year so many people are planning for improved health, wellness — and important milestones in their work and personal life. 

We don’t always keep our resolutions or reach all of our goals, because life’s distractions move in and our goals get pushed to the sidelines. But there are several ways CBD might help you be a year-long “Goal Getter” in 2020. 

Read on for Healing Harbors’ tips for keeping momentum high with the help of CBD!

A common New Year’s resolution is weight loss for improved health. Did you know that unlike its THC counterpart, CBD has not been found to cause a hunger response or food cravings (aka “the munchies”)? It may also assist in regulating digestion. Our body’s naturally existing endocannabinoid system is known to regulate our body’s stress response, too — which controls metabolic hormones, gastrointestinal functions, and metabolic functions. If the endocannabinoid system is in balance, and functioning properly, then the body functions it controls can become more balanced and function properly as well. 

A key component of reaching a healthier weight is getting an adequate amount of restful, restorative sleep. Getting a good night’s rest is something many people struggle with. Lack of restful and restorative sleep can affect more than just your weight, it can also lead to poor health from a lowered immune system, lowered mental acuity and personality effects. CBD is thought to support the body in achieving homeostasis which can lead to better, more restful sleep, allowing your body to restore itself on the path of wellness while you rest. Homeostasis will promote a healthy weight, and support you in a variety of your wellness goals. 

CBD support can also bring a calm and confidence to your life, allowing for improved social interactions, less anxious experiences, and less stress when trying to stick to your goals and plans. With CBD by your side, you may find that you already have the calm quiet strength and confidence you need to achieve anything you set your mind to. 

Healing Harbors believes in nature’s power from Hemp and encourages everyone to see if CBD can improve their quality of life, too. We also believe in YOU, and the power you have over your own mind, motivation, and life. In addition to adding CBD to your routine, here are a few more ways to make the most out of this year:

  • Make specific, achievable, small goals — don’t overwhelm yourself with broad plans
  • Write your goals down and put them in a visible place
  • Make a dream or vision board to remind yourself of what success looks like to you
  • Share your plans and goals with others, find a buddy so you can motivate each other 
  • Make a realistic plan of small steps to get you where you want to be
  • Reward yourself along the way

Reach out to Healing Harbors with any questions or to share how CBD is helping you meet your goals, and remember — you’ve got this!