Category Archives: CBD

Learn more about CBD with weekly CBD blog posts from Healing Harbors. Explore how to incorporate hemp-powered products into your daily wellness routine, select the right CBD product for you, and much more as we dig deeper into the people and products behind Maine’s most trusted CBD brand.

How To Share CBD With Your Loved Ones

It’s a busy, yet wonderful time of year. You’ve prepped, made lists, shopped, wrapped, along with everything else this season brings upon us. Or maybe this year has been made even more challenging by the loss of a person, relationship, or job. Life doesn’t stop happening as the Holidays ramp up, after all. We think […]

Dry Skin and CBD

It is so important to love the skin you’re in, but sometimes that skin can become itchy, dry and irritated. Are you looking for some soothing options for this irritating or even painful issue? Would you prefer to utilize a more natural, system balancing option? Skin-soothing CBD products might be the answer you’re looking for! […]

Posted in CBD

CBD To Support Our Veterans

There’s a growing number of our country’s Veterans returning from war who are struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, chronic pain and more. Our Veteran’s often battle mental health issues or combat-related chronic pain that makes returning to civilian life difficult and the struggle to adjust can increase the stress, anxiety, and depression […]